LifePoint Bible Studies with Video Access
written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
PERSONAL STUDY: Each session (or week) features 5 days of personal study that will walk you through the passages verse-by-verse with questions and brief clarifying comments to help you understand and apply the Scriptures to your daily life. Because our studies are designed to be in-depth, it is best if you set aside 30 minutes of time to complete the personal study part of the session.
DISCUSSION: Studying the Bible by one's self is helpful and needful for spiritual growth. However, God has designed us to grow and learn in community with others. In light of that, we want to encourage you to find friends to study with! Fellow believers will sharpen and enlarge your thinking, increase your connection and intimacy in the body of Christ, and will significantly help you grow and mature more fully.
WATCH: Each teaching video is intended to be watched after completion of the corresponding week of personal study. You may choose to watch the video before or after your group discussion but it is not designed for audiences who have not spent time studying the passage prior to watching. Each Teaching Session is approximately 1 hour long, with expository teaching for 40 minutes and transformational application oriented teaching for 20 mins.
Faithful: A Study on the Life of Joseph
A 10-week in-depth study on the life of Joseph (Gen 37-50) with Lesson PDF and Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
Joseph’s story is a familiar one, full of plot twists and unexpected outcomes. Favored son, yet despised brother. The naïve dreamer who lands in the bottom of a pit. The trusted slave who is unjustly condemned. The empathetic prisoner who is forgotten again. More than 3500 years later, Joseph's story still resonates with us as we seek to walk faithfully in a world ravaged by family dysfunction, jealousy, wrongful accusations, abandonment, suffering, deep wounds, and difficult forgiveness. Yet through the hard and often bitter circumstances of life, God's sovereign goodness shines forth. He is faithfully at work to redeem a family, a nation, and ultimately a people for himself. And he faithfully walks beside every one of his children, even in their darkest valleys.
Lesson PDF: 166 pages
Teaching Sessions: 10
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Joshua (Ch 1-9): Facing Life
A 10-week in-depth study of Joshua (Ch 1-9) with Lesson PDF and Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
The book of Joshua follows Israel from their wanderings in the desert to their settlement in the land God promised them. To take possession of that land, Israel had to face obstacles, temptations, enemies, and fears, while learning to walk in faith and obedience to God. Through each victory and defeat, Israel experienced more deeply the power and greatness of the one, true God.
Like Israel, facing life today involves struggles with fear and insecurity, battles with sin and self-reliance, and perseverance through setbacks and difficulties. Join us as we study the journey of Joshua and Israel, and discover a God who is faithful to his promises and graciously sustains those who choose to face life in his strength!
This is Part 1 of the Joshua Study.
Lesson PDF: 129 pages
Teaching Sessions: 10
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Joshua (Ch 10-24): Facing Life
A 9-week in-depth study of Joshua (Ch 10-24) with Lesson PDF and Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
The book of Joshua follows Israel from their wanderings in the desert to their settlement in the land God promised them. To take possession of that land, Israel had to face obstacles, temptations, enemies, and fears, while learning to walk in faith and obedience to God. Through each victory and defeat, Israel experienced more deeply the power and greatness of the one, true God.
Like Israel, facing life today involves struggles with fear and insecurity, battles with sin and self-reliance, and perseverance through setbacks and difficulties. Join us as we study the journey of Joshua and Israel, and discover a God who is faithful to his promises and graciously sustains those who choose to face life in his strength!
This is Part 2 of the Joshua Study.
Lesson PDF: 125 pages
Teaching Sessions: 9
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Women of the Judges: Portraits of Strength
A 9-week in-depth study of the women of the Judges with Lesson PDF & Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
What is your image of a godly woman? Have you ever felt like you didn't fit the mold? This study explores the unique lives of the women of the Judges: Deborah, Jael, Ruth, Naomi, and Hannah. Each woman had her own personality and giftedness, yet each provides a portrait of strength... strength of faith, strength of character, and strength of hope. In a time when everyone did what was right in their own eyes, the women of the Judges looked to the Lord and found their strength in Him. They remind us that no matter who you are, every woman has a part to play in the kingdom of God.
Lesson PDF: 102 pages
Teaching Sessions: 9
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls.
Elijah & Elisha: Faith in Hostile Times
A 10-week in-depth study of Elijah & Elisha with Lesson PDF & Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
In a world gone mad with sin, God spoke with clarity to a culture that was falling over the cliff. These were desperate times for God's people. What does it look like to hear God and trust Him with your life in a world that is hostile to faith in the one true God? What does faith look like in a culture that is unwilling to hear of anything but promises of prosperity and where it is considered a virtue to tolerate evil? Oh, how the God of Elijah & Elisha speaks to us!
Lesson PDF: 133 pages
Vimeo Sessions: 10
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Daniel: Living for the Indestructible Kingdom
A 10-week in-depth study with Lesson PDF & Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
More than 2,500 years ago, a young teenager named Daniel was caught up in a national crisis and forcibly removed from his home to spend the rest of his days as a captive. The book of Daniel is a gripping account of his life in Babylonian exile and his courageous efforts to remain faithful to God.
Yet Daniel’s story is not just about Daniel and God’s control over his present circumstances. In the midst of Daniel’s captivity, God revealed His hand in the movement of history from the present all the way through the end of time. In a series of prophetic visions, Daniel sees not just the rise and fall of the empires of men, but the coming indestructible kingdom of God!
Lesson PDF: 146 pages
Vimeo Sessions: 10
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls.
Luke (Ch 1-11): That You May Have Certainty
A 10-week in-depth study of Luke (ch 1-11) with Lesson PDF & Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
In a world where knowledge is constantly growing, the choice to stake our lives on Jesus, a man who lived and died over 2,000 years ago, can seem foolish. And while society looks at us with skepticism, our own sufferings and doubts can cause us to question the very faith we hold dear. For every wondering heart, Luke’s detailed account of the life of Christ breathes fresh confidence in the person and ministry of our Savior.
In Luke, we meet the Son of Man who pursues the marginalized and oppressed and welcomes women into His life and ministry. We marvel at the Master Teacher who confounds the religious elite yet invites the humble and broken to follow Him. Full of careful historical references, Luke reminds us that we really can know for certain the good news of Jesus Christ!
Lesson PDF: 137 pages
Teaching Sessions: 10
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls.
Luke (Ch 12-24): That You May Have Certainty
An 11-week in-depth study of Luke (ch 12-24) with Lesson PDF & Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
This is Part 2 of our study of the Gospel of Luke. You do not need to have studied the first half of Luke to take this study!
In Luke, we meet the Son of Man who cares for the marginalized and oppressed, welcomes women into His work and ministry, and calls the humble and broken to follow Him. For every wondering and weary heart, Luke’s detailed account of the life of Christ breathes fresh confidence in our Savior.
Lesson PDF: 153 pages
Teaching Sessions: 11
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls.
Philippians: The Fight for Joy
A 9-week in-depth study with Lesson PDF & Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
Joy often seems just out of our reach. Hard times, conflict, and the struggles of daily life threaten our ability to rejoice and stand firm. But we have a glorious Savior! In Christ we find the source of true joy and the power to walk in newness of life. Dive into the book of Philippians and reignite your passion to live for Christ!
Lesson PDF: 115 pages
Teaching Sessions: 9
(NOTE: Some video sessions have brief periods of blackout although audio remains constant)
Written & taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls.
Colossians: Christ is Enough
An 8-week in-depth study with Lesson PDF & Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
When times are hard, relationships are strained, and victory over sin feels impossible, what you believe to be true about Christ really matters. Let the book of Colossians remind you that the One who rules over all creation is sufficient for every need of your heart today. In Christ alone we find the power to conquer sin, regain hope, and restore our relationships. He is enough!
Lesson PDF: 154 pages
Vimeo Sessions: 8
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls.
Video Teaching Sessions Only
Study books must be purchased separately at your favorite retailer
WATCH: Each teaching video is intended to be watched after completion of the corresponding week of personal study. You may choose to watch the video before or after your group discussion but it is not designed for audiences who have not spent time studying the passage prior to watching. Each Teaching Session is approximately 1 hour long, with expository teaching for 40 minutes and transformational application oriented teaching for 20 mins.
Ezra & Nehemiah: From Ruin to Restoration
A 9-week study with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
Returning from Babylonian exile, the Israelites faced intense opposition as they begin to rebuild their lives and their relationship with God. Fear and discouragement haunted their every step, and the people struggled deeply with the ever-present temptation to abandon the Lord and His ways. How would Israel move from a place of spiritual ruin to a place of restoration and wholeness? If you have ever found yourself discouraged, broken, and in need of restoration, allow the words of Ezra and Nehemiah to strengthen your heart!
Teaching Sessions: 9
Taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls.
Note: This study uses the NavPress LifeChange Series book, Ezra & Nehemiah.
Psalms: Worshiping God from the Heart
A 10-week study of selected Psalms with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
Marveling over the beauty of creation. Anguishing over pain and loss. Envying the comfortable lives of others. Searching for hope in our own. As we respond to the ever-changing circumstances of our days, the Psalms give expression to the emotions of our soul. This Old Testament songbook is filled with spontaneous praise and heart-wrenching lament as God’s people pour themselves out before the One who is steadfast, sovereign, and responsive to the needs of his children.
Whether you are bursting with thanksgiving or burdened with fear, your faith will be strengthened as the Psalms lead you in worship before the throne of our God!
Teaching Sessions: 10
Taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls.
Note: This study uses the book Psalms: Discovering Authentic Worship by Sue Edwards for questions and discussion.
Ecclesiastes: Finding Contentment in a Fallen World
A 9-week study with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
It is easy for disappointment to creep in around the edges of life and darken our perspective. We don’t have to live very long before we discover that life is tedious, hard, and often brutally unfair, leaving us to wonder what the point of it all really is. The book of Ecclesiastes is written by a man who is struggling with both God and his life—and contentment is as elusive as the morning mist. But when we learn to see life from God's perspective we find hope and meaning.
Teaching Sessions: 9
Taught by Julie Dickison and Nichole Nicholls.
Note: This study uses the book A Woman of Contentment: Ecclesiastes by Dee Brestin for questions and discussion.
1 & 2 Thessalonians: Living for the Day
A 9-week study with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
How do we live well and not lose hope when the days are difficult? The church in Thessalonica wrestled with these very same questions as they suffered under an onslaught of hardship and false teaching about the return of Christ.
Paul writes to these weary believers, encouraging them to trust God’s promises for the future, to live today in a way that pleases him, and to know with confidence that one day Christ will come to put the world right. Whatever your circumstances may be, join us for our study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians and renew your vision of God who is faithful to sustain his people and redeem his world.
Teaching Sessions: 9
Taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Note: This study uses the book Belonging to the Day: A Study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Kelsy Hency for questions and discussion. It can be purchased at
Hebrews: Christ Above All
A 10-week study with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
In a world of global pandemics and personal hardship, our faith can begin to falter, and we need a reminder of who our God really is. In Jesus Christ, we see the full revelation of God—one of unparalleled glory and unending compassion for his people. Drawing upon Old Testament practices, history, and people, the book of Hebrews puts the superiority of Christ on display by showing him to be our perfect sacrifice, great high priest, and fulfillment of every promise. Whatever fears and challenges you face, you can live with confidence and hope by fixing your eyes on Jesus, the Savior who reigns above all.
Teaching Sessions: 10*
Taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Note: This study uses the book Better: A Study of Hebrews by Jen Wilkin for questions and discussion.
James: A Living Faith
A 10-week study with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
It is easy to say we believe in Jesus and yet fail to have a life marked by deep, practical obedience. This is especially true in times of hardship. The book of James was written to urge believers to put their faith into action—to remain steadfast under trial, to be gracious in word and deed, and to rely on God in all things. Bold and to the point, James challenges us to live out what we believe in the everyday aspects of life, so that our attitudes, actions, and relationships are characterized by a true and living faith.
Teaching Sessions: 10
Taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Note: This study uses the book James: Walking in Wisdom by Lydia Brownback for questions and discussion. It can be purchased from any book retailer.
1, 2, & 3 John: This is Love
A 10-week study with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
Who is Jesus to us? Can we really know that God loves us? How do we love people we deeply disagree with? As the last living eyewitness to the life and death of Jesus, the apostle John writes to churches that were fracturing over disagreements about who Jesus is and how they should live. These believers had become discouraged and deeply divided, and many struggled to have confidence in their salvation. The apostle John urges his weary followers to hold fast to what they had been taught and to persevere in loving one another. Allow John's letters to deepen your love for Christ and his people, so that every area of your life testifies to how much Jesus means to you.
Teaching Sessions: 10
Taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Note: This study uses the book Abide: A Study of 1, 2, & 3 John by Jen Wilkin for questions and discussion. This book must be purchased separately from your favorite book retailer.
Revelation: The Church Waits for Eden
A 10-week study with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
How do we live in the present darkness of this world as we wait for Christ to return and make all things new? This same problem confronted seven first-century churches that lived in the chaotic and oppressive world of the evil Roman Empire. These early churches faced dangers from within and without—persecution, pressure, compromise, tolerance, false teachings, and faithlessness. None escaped these dangers unscathed. Some churches were lukewarm, others were on life support, and one was spiritually dead.
The church today is no different. We face the same temptations, the same problems, and the same dangers. To his people throughout all the ages, the risen Lord Jesus speaks a powerful word of encouragement, rebuke, and warning.
Come and join us as we study Christ’s message to the church as we wait for Eden—where all the evils of the world are erased, and we live with Jesus in unimaginable splendor.
Teaching Sessions: 10*
Taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Note: This study uses the book Revelation: Discovering Life for Today and Eternity by Sue Edwards for questions and discussion. This book must be purchased separately from your favorite book retailer.
*This study will begin on Sept 15, 2023. Video teaching sessions will be posted to Vimeo each week as they become available.
Samples of Books & Teaching Sessions
Sample of Selected BooksTo see a sample of our Bible study Books, click one of the links below:
Sample of Selected Teaching SessionsTo hear a sample of our Teaching Sessions on Vimeo, click one of the links below: