Faithful: A Study on the Life of Joseph
A 10-week in-depth study on the life of Joseph (Gen 37-50) with Lesson PDF and Teaching Sessions (Vimeo).
Joseph’s story is a familiar one, full of plot twists and unexpected outcomes. Favored son, yet despised brother. The naïve dreamer who lands in the bottom of a pit. The trusted slave who is unjustly condemned. The empathetic prisoner who is forgotten again. More than 3500 years later, Joseph's story still resonates with us as we seek to walk faithfully in a world ravaged by family dysfunction, jealousy, wrongful accusations, abandonment, suffering, deep wounds, and difficult forgiveness. Yet through the hard and often bitter circumstances of life, God's sovereign goodness shines forth. He is faithfully at work to redeem a family, a nation, and ultimately a people for himself. And he faithfully walks beside every one of his children, even in their darkest valleys.
Lesson PDF: 166 pages
Teaching Sessions: 10
Written and taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls