One-sentence summaries for each book of the Bible, along with a key verse image. (This list is in loose chronological order.)
GENESIS: God creates the world and makes a covenant with Abraham to redeem sinful humanity. #66Books #LPBS
JOB: Righteous Job is attacked by Satan, and his friends argue about the cause of his suffering. #66Books #LPBS
EXODUS: God delivers the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and establishes a covenant with them. #66Books #LPBS
LEVITICUS: A holy God gives Israel instructions for how to worship Him. #66Books #LPBS
NUMBERS: Israel fails to trust God and wanders in the wilderness for 40 years. #66Books #LPBS
DEUTERONOMY: Moses reminds Israel of their history and how to obey God in the Promised Land. #66Books #LPBS
JOSHUA: Joshua leads Israel in conquering the Promised Land and divides it among the 12 tribes. #66Books #LPBS
JUDGES: Israel goes through cycles of sin, suffering, repentance, and salvation only to fall back into sin again. #66Books #LPBS
RUTH: Two widows, Ruth and Naomi, lose everything but find hope and redemption in Israel's God. #66Books #LPBS
1 SAMUEL: Israel rejects God and seeks out a king like other God gives them Saul. #66Books #LPBS
2 SAMUEL: God establishes David as King of Israel and makes an everlasting covenant with him. #66Books #LPBS
1 CHRONICLES: A detailed history of King David's reign, ending in the commissioning of the Temple. #66Books #LPBS
PSALMS: Ancient Israel's hymnal with 150 songs of prayer, praise, and lament to God. #66Books #LPBS
1 KINGS: Israel has peace and prosperity under King Solomon, but afterward divides into two rival nations. #66Books #LPBS
SONG OF SOLOMON: A collection of songs celebrating married love, picturing Christ's delight in His Church. #66Books #LPBS
PROVERBS: A collection of sayings written to help God's people live wisely in a complex world. #66Books #LPBS
ECCLESIASTES: The Preacher reflects on his life concluding that, apart from God, all is empty and unsatisfying. #66Books #LPBS
2 KINGS: The divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah rebel against God and are taken into captivity. #66Books #LPBS
JOEL: God sends a plague of locusts to judge Israel, picturing a judgment day for all nations. #66Books #LPBS
AMOS: Preaching against their empty spiritual rituals, Amos calls Israel to treat people with justice. #66Books #LPBS
HOSEA: Hosea's marriage to an unfaithful prostitute is meant to reflect Gods love relationship with Israel. #66Books #LPBS
JONAH: Running from God, Jonah is swallowed by a great fish, then reluctantly preaches God's message to Nineveh. #66Books #LPBS
ISAIAH: Israel is warned of future judgment, but promised a coming Messiah who will save His people from their sins. #66Books #LPBS
MICAH: Confronting Israel and Judah about their injustice, Micah prophesies the Lord will come and rule in perfect justice. #66Books #LPBS
2 CHRONICLES: The history of Israel from King Solomon, through the divided kingdoms, to Judah's destruction and exile. #66Books #LPBS
NAHUM: Powerful, wicked Nineveh will fall as part of God's judgment on Assyria, which is good news for God's people. #66Books #LPBS
DANIEL: Carried away in the first wave of Judah's Babylonian captivity, Daniel rises in leadership in Babylon and has prophetic visions concerning Israel's future. #66Books #LPBS
HABAKKUK: With Jews violently oppressing one another, Habakkuk is surprised to learn that God will (continue to) use the violent Babylonians to bring justice. #66Books #LPBS
ZEPHANIAH: The "day of the Lord" will bring heavy judgment of Judah and the nations, but God promises to restore them. #66Books #LPBS
JEREMIAH: Judah is given a final warning about the coming Babylonian captivity, but is promised a New Covenant. #66Books #LPBS
EZEKIEL: Ezekiel calls Israel to give up their sins as they wait for God to restore them. #66Books #LPBS
LAMENTATIONS: A poem lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem after the Babylonian attacks. #66Books #LPBS
OBADIAH: Edom is warned they will suffer for participating in Jerusalem's destruction. #66Books #LPBS
EZRA: Returning from exile, the Jews rebuild the Temple and Ezra teaches the people to obey God's laws. #66Books #LPBS
HAGGAI: Jews returning from exile have abandoned the restoration of God's temple, so Haggai rebukes them. #66Books #LPBS
ZECHARIAH: Seeing prophetic visions, Zechariah challenges a new generation of post-exilic Jews to return to God and anticipate their coming King. #66Books #LPBS
NEHEMIAH: Nehemiah leads returning Jewish exiles in rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem. #66Books #LPBS
ESTHER: Beautiful Jewish girl becomes queen of Persia and saves fellow exiled Jews from slaughter. #66Books #LPBS
MALACHI: Malachi rebukes the Jews' escalating and blatant disregard for God although His covenant love will ultimately prevail. #66Books #LPBS
MATTHEW: Jesus's life and death fulfills OT prophecies, showing Him to be the rightful Son of David, both Messiah and King. #66Books #LPBS
MARK: Jesus's earthly ministry highlights His authority and role as the Suffering Servant. #66Books #LPBS
LUKE: A detailed account of the life of Jesus, emphasizing He is the perfect Son of Man, Savior of Jew and Gentile alike. #66Books #LPBS
JOHN: Highlights the signs and miracles of Jesus proving He is the Son of God, the great I AM and only Savior of the world. #66Books #LPBS
ACTS: The Holy Spirit arrives marking the beginning of the Christian church, and the gospel of Jesus spreads throughout the world. #66Books #LPBS
GALATIANS: Paul rebukes the Galatians, defending the gospel of grace in Christ against false teachers who insist salvation comes through law-keeping. #66Books #LPBS
JAMES: Concerned about what our faith looks like in practice, James emphasizes that true faith is demonstrated by good works. #66Books #LPBS
1 THESSALONIANS: Paul encourages the Thessalonians to continue pleasing God and to live in the hope of Christ's return and the resurrection of all the dead in Christ. #66Books #LPBS
2 THESSALONIANS: Paul instructs the Thessalonians on how to stand firm and work faithfully until the return of Jesus. #66Books #LPBS
1 CORINTHIANS: Paul's disciplinary letter to a fractured and sin-filled church in Corinth, instructing them to live united and glorify God in all things. #66Books #LPBS
2 CORINTHIANS: Paul defends his ministry and encourages the troubled Corinthian church to live for Christ. #66Books #LPBS
ROMANS: Paul writes to the church in Rome, teaching that sinners are saved only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. #66Books #LPBS
EPHESIANS: Paul teaches that all believers are united in the body of Christ, and must walk in humility and love. #66Books #LPBS
PHILEMON: Paul urges Philemon to embrace his runaway slave as a dearly loved brother in Christ. #66Books #LPBS
COLOSSIANS: Paul's letter to the church at Colossae about the supremacy of Christ and who they are in Him. #66Books #LPBS
PHILIPPIANS: Paul rejoices with the church at Philippi, encouraging them to pursue Christ as their greatest joy and treasure. #66Books #LPBS
1 TIMOTHY: Paul instructs young Timothy on leading with sound teaching and a godly example. #66Books #LPBS
TITUS: Paul advises Titus on how church leaders are to live and teach. #66Books #LPBS
2 TIMOTHY: Nearing the end of his life, Paul sends final words to Timothy to continue preaching the Word. #66Books #LPBS
1 PETER: Writing to persecuted Christians, Peter encourages them to live honorable and holy lives as they continue to trust God. #66Books #LPBS
2 PETER: Peter defends the trustworthiness of Scripture and warns believers about false teachers within the church. #66Books #LPBS
HEBREWS: A letter encouraging persecuted Christians to cling to Jesus because He is the perfect sacrifice, the faithful prophet, and the great High Priest who brings a better covenant. #66Books #LPBS
JUDE: Warning of dangerous heresies, Jude exhorts Christians to contend for the faith. #66Books #LPBS
1 JOHN: John writes about the true nature of love: God's love for us, our love for God, and our love for one another. #66Books #LPBS
2 JOHN: John pleads for believers to stay true to Christ and show their love for God by obeying His commands. #66Books #LPBS
3 JOHN: John writes to encourage Christians who are examples of hospitality and faithfulness, but warns the proud. #66Books #LPBS
REVELATION: John sees a series of visions, assuring Christians God will judge evil, reward his saints, and bring a new heaven and new earth. #66Books #LPBS