1 & 2 Thessalonians: Living for the Day
A 9-week study with Teaching Sessions (Vimeo). Book sold separately.
How do we live well and not lose hope when the days are difficult? The church in Thessalonica wrestled with these very same questions as they suffered under an onslaught of hardship and false teaching about the return of Christ.
Paul writes to these weary believers, encouraging them to trust God’s promises for the future, to live today in a way that pleases him, and to know with confidence that one day Christ will come to put the world right. Whatever your circumstances may be, join us for our study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians and renew your vision of God who is faithful to sustain his people and redeem his world.
Teaching Sessions: 9
Taught by Julie Dickison & Nichole Nicholls
Note: This study uses the book Belonging to the Day: A Study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Kelsy Hency for questions and discussion. It can be purchased at https://fathom-mag.myshopify.com.